Sunday, 30 September 2012
So, after a somewhat lengthy absence forced by real life, I am back. The process of levelling my assortment of AH toons has begun, with my druid first. 

Her leatherworking and skinning reached 600 yesterday, and she's currently on level 88. Siskonyrkki will more than likely follow next, so her jewelcrafting can be levelled. 

There will be more updates in days to come hopefully, and again, soon, with luck, the AH work will begin again.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
So, I open my wow client to find the optimiser. Cool beans, knew that would be coming, what could go wrong, its meant to take approximately 15 minutes. 25 minutes later, the optimiser is done. YAY. Next up, patching.

Patch download comes up, cant be nothing TOO big, its only a tiny tidly patch surely... Nope. Its a great big stinking 1.4gig patch.

Now, given that I have THAT sort of download speed, goodness only knows when it will be finished *sighs*.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Well, Reset tomorrow, its downtime this week, so now I need to do a lot of crafting, disenchanting and prospecting so I can post before the downtime.

My second alchemist is now maxed, and Cazzamari is level 77. Shes potions master, and I am not sure yet if I am going to drop herbalism at 85 and take another crafting profession or not.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
So, I've been very bad lately at updating my blog. However, I am going to rectify that issue here and now.

Its reset day, and whilst prices aren't as high as they used to be, they are still acceptable. I just wish I could blow all these people who drop prices by 50-150g in one undercut off the planet. Add to that, the people who post massive walls of goods on the AH at this stupid price, Stop it. I will NOT buy you out. I will just merely undercut you by 1c or 50s, and then laugh as you lose a lot in ah fees if your items dont sell.

The best bit of advice ever given to me, by Burpy, was dont post lots of the same item as you just get undercut before it sells. He was right, thanks for that Burpy.

I finally hit 700k yesterday. Next milestone amount for me to aim for is 800k. My new years resolution was to make gold cap on at least 5 characters, I'm now starting to wonder if that was a bit stupid, and therefore might scale it back to 3 characters.

I'm now levelling my mage again, shes going to be a potions speciality alchemist I think, Shes sitting on 375 alch and herb atm, and level 63 I think.

About Me

I am Cazzy, also known within the World of Warcraft as Cazzéh and Cazmia, amongst other aliases.

I have been goldmaking and blogging on and off since 2011, starting off small by selling things such as cloth, then moving on to other areas such as gems, enchants and so on.

Currently, I am residing on the EU Sunstrider and EU Trollbane connected realmsets and am maining a MM Hunter.

I am raiding again, my current progression on my main, Cazzéh is:

4/13 Mythic HFC, 13/13 Heroic HFC, 11/13 Normal HFC, 13/13 LFR HFC.